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List of Properties For Rent Worldwide
Regional Property Listings Page. From this Holiday Rental finder page you can go directly to any
Continent Rental listings page that shows countries, states, regions or cities within the continent (Shown in red).
To view Property Listings click the Country or Region (Shown in blue) to go directly to complete list of Property Listings within selected region. From there you can refine your search even further.
Property ListingsPages. Click on a holiday villa rental location
to be taken to the chosen regional property listings page showing selection of
holiday villas or vacation rentals for that area. (The number of properties
available in each area is shown in brackets after the location names).
Each regional listing page includes links to full property details showing
pictures, virtual tours, Booking and Availability Calendar, location maps, rental
rates, contact owner form, more pictures page, owner or property managers name and much more. N.B.'Booking and Availability Calendar. Rental prices quoted in USD$ may be subject to local currency fluctuations. So it is best to confirm price and availability before making immediate payments that do not offer guarantees outside our secure online booking system.
If calendar and prices are up to date and you would like to make a booking then we recommend you ask owner to use our 'Booking and Availability Calendar' link (It is free for users and registered owners) found above the availability calendar to contact owner or property manager to get further info on availabilty and prices, generate final price .pdf or make a secure online booking. We do not charge users any additional fees for making online bookings so our prices may be 10% cheaper than those that do.
If for some reason you cannot use the Booking and Availability Calendar link you can contact the owner using the the "Contact Owner about this Holiday Rental" form to contact the owner directly for up to date prices and availability.
Once availability and prices are confirmed and holiday rental is reserved then you may ask owner or inform us that you wish to make a secure online payment via PayPal via our Holiday Villa website rather than use owners or a 3rd party booking sites who may charge user an extra 10% commission for the convenience of making online bookings that we do for free.
If you require any further help or assistance using our site, finding a holiday villa rental, contacting owner then please contact us.
SPECIAL OFFERCommission Free Listings for HAWAII
Featured Rentals VILLAS TO RENT
Costa Calida, La Manga Club resort
Koh Samui, Maenam
Malta, Mellieha
or contact stating Property ID number